Sunday, April 19, 2009


FYI! I had another failure, not flan, this time. Remember about the post of pâté? Well it was a total disaster and the taste was horrible. Like many failures, I do not know the reason why and I have thoroughly checked the ingredients, preparations, and cooking steps and I just cannot grasp the idea of, yet, another failure!

First, the color was not the same pasty color I was looking for. The murky color of authentic
pâté was, clearly, not there. Maybe because I had to substitute a lot of ingredients as listed with other brands. However, that should not be the problem with the taste at all!

Second, the texture was not consistent with the usual texture I usually tasted. For this process, I simply cannot find the reason to justify my actions. I have tasted a wide varieties of
pâté from many different cuisines and the variation is not a big gap. My version was just totally off! =[

Finally, the taste was just plain and lacked the flavors I enjoyed so much. My hope for this project was high and, yet, this is just another disappointment I have to added to my "Need-Trophies" shelve...

I am quite disappointed because I received no thumbs up nor down in this project from the "judges" since there were not even ANYTHING to judge in the first place; a negative score would do so much better than my score!...It was a complete disaster.

=[ Goodnight College Station

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